Logon Failure: The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer

The printer I use to connected to a domain computer, but the computer I print from is not on the domain, so I ran into this ugly error when I tried to map the printer:

Logon Failure: The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer

This occurs because the workgroup computer is trying to pre-connect to the domain computer, and since it’s un-authenticated, it connects as “Guest”. Under normal circumstances, the guest account is disabled or, at least, it has been denied rights to connect over the network. Here’s how you remove this restriction:

  1. Download and install the Windows Resource Kit Tools (http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/e/c/8ec3a7d8-05b4-440a-a71e-ca3ee25fe057/rktools.exe). On Vista, you may receive an error that these tools are not compatible, buy you can ignore it – at least in this case, it doesn’t cause any problems, and currently. There’s no new version of the tools available.
  2. From the start menu, click “All Programs” -> “Windows Resource Kit Tools” -> “Command Shell” Run the following commands, in this order (and they’re case sensitive):
    1. net user guest /active:yes
    2. ntrights +r SeNetworkLogonRight -u Guest
    3. ntrights -r SeDenyNetworkLogonRight -u Guest

That’s it! You’ve enabled guest access, so non-domain computers will at least have the ability to connect, though they’ll be restricted to the permissions granted to the local “Guest” account, so you’re not opening up much of a security risk.

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