When initializing replication to a .NET Compact Framework client on a mobile device, I was receiving an error message when I attempted to start the synchronize:
Initializing the SQL Server Reconciler has failed. Try again.
I had confirmed that SQL Compact web replication was set up correctly, and checking the URL came back as expected. Searching for the error online comes back with a dozen recommendations, but when I traced the replication sync attempt, I saw the following statement executed:
exec sp_helpdistpublisher N’SQLSERVERNAME’
Followed immediately by the error message:
The remote server “SQLSERVERNAME” does not exist, or has not been designated as a valid Publisher, or you may not have permission to see available Publishers.
Sure enough, executing that command in SSMS, logged in as my replication user, gave me the same error message. At some point, I’d changed the user I was using to set up the subscription, and that user didn’t have rights to view the publication list on my SQL Server. The fix was pretty easy:
- In SQL Management Studio, right-click the publication
- Select “Properties” and then open the “Publication Access List” tab
- Add the user you’re connecting your subscriber with to this list
Here’s a shot of the screen where I had to make this change, in case there’s any confusion: