View SQL Server table updates per second

When trying to guage the level of database activity, you can use SQL Profiler to view the type and volume of transactions in motion at any given time and to view the overall level of database IO, but you can’t use it to directly tell which database tables are being updated.

However, there’s a handy dynamic management view called sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats that tells you the number of rows that have been updated in each database index since the instance was last restarted (or since the table/index was created, if that happened more recently):

FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats[plain]

The view also has some additional information on index usage, including the number of scans, seeks, and lookups performed on each index – super helpful information if you’re looking for unused indexes or which objects are heaviest-hit. If you look at indexes 0 and 1 (zero is the table heap, 1 is the clustered index), you’ll see activity on the underlying table data itself.

I needed to see the row updates per second for every table in the database, so rather than run that select over and over (and compare the results), I wrote a quick script to do the comparison repeatedly for me:


-- Remove the working table if it already exists
-- so it doesn't get in the way
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TableActivity_After') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #TableActivity_After

-- Collect our working data
SELECT object_name(us.object_id) as TableName,
		user_updates as UpdatedRows,
		last_user_update as LastUpdateTime
INTO #TableActivity_After
from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats us
join sys.indexes si
	on us.object_id = si.object_id
	and us.index_id = si.index_id
where database_id = db_id()
and user_seeks + user_scans + user_lookups + user_updates > 0
and si.index_id in (0,1)
order by object_name(us.object_id)

-- Figure out if we're running it the first time or again
-- Put the data into the correct tables
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TableActivity_Before') IS NULL
	-- First time it's being run - stage the existing data
	PRINT 'Initial table usage collected - execute again for changes'

	-- Running script a subsequent time
	-- Compare this set of data to our last set

	-- See how long it's been since we ran this script last
	-- Or at least since last change in any table in the database
   DECLARE @SecondsSince DECIMAL(10,2)
	SELECT @SecondsSince = CONVERT(FLOAT, DATEDIFF(ms, MAX(LastUpdateTime ), GETDATE()))/1000
	  FROM #TableActivity_BEFORE

	SELECT @SecondsSince as 'Seconds since last execution'

	-- Do actual table comparison and give results
	SELECT a.TableName,
		   a.updatedrows - isnull(b.UpdatedRows,0) as RowsUpdated,
		  CONVERT(INT, (a.updatedrows - isnull(b.UpdatedRows,0)) / @SecondsSince) as RowsPerSecond
	 FROM #TableActivity_After a
	 JOIN #TableActivity_Before b
	   ON b.TableName = a.TableName
    WHERE a.updatedrows - isnull(b.UpdatedRows,0) > 0
	ORDER BY RowsUpdated DESC


-- Swap the tables so the AFTER table becomes the new BEFORE
-- Then clean up AFTER table since we'll get a new one next time
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TableActivity_Before') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #TableActivity_Before

  INTO #TableActivity_Before
  FROM #TableActivity_After

DROP TABLE #TableActivity_After

Running that script the first time will grab an snapshot of table activity. Running it again will tell you what has changed since you ran it the first time, and running it again will continue to tell you (updating the “before” image each time so you’re getting an update on only the most recent database activity).

If you wanted to see activity on all database indexes, you could update the query at the top to show index name and remove the “WHERE si.index_id in (0,1)” and you’d see all the index details.

I hope this is helpful – if you have any feedback or would like to see something added, please feel free to leave a comment below!

Download the full script here

Querying Active Directory from SQL Server

SQL Server provides some pretty flexible integration with Active Directory through the ADSI Linked Server provider, something that’s present by default when you install SQL Server. If you’ve never used it before, it allows you to connect to a domain controller and query AD the same way you’d query any other linked server. For example, it gives you the option to:

  • Identify when logins to SQL Servers or databases that support financial applications exist, but have no matching AD account (either direct integrated logins, or if SQL logins or rows in a “User” table have been set up to match the AD login)
  • Kick off alerts to provision the user in various systems based on their AD group membership
  • Automatically trigger an action when a new account appears in active directory (for example, we auto-provision security badges and send an email alert to our head of security to assign the appropriate rights)

While much of this could also be done from Powershell as well, we use the SQL Server Agent to manage many of our scheduled job (because it’s so handy to have the agent remotely accessible), as well as sometimes just needing data from AD in a query. To support a number of processes we have in place, we run a synchronization job every so often throughout the day that pulls about two dozen fields for all users and synchronizes them into a table if anything has changed.

Setting up the linked server itself is pretty straightforward (courtesy of

  1. Create the linked server itself
  2. Set the security context (if you want to query AD as something other than the SQL Server Service account – by default, all domain users can do this and it’s only required if the domain is remote or if, for some reason, your SQL Service account’s AD rights have been restricted, like if you’re running as “LOCAL SERVICE”)
  3. Enable OPENQUERY (Ad Hoc Distributed Queries)

You’ll notice that setting up the linked server itself doesn’t actually specify where Active Directory is located or what domain/forest you’ll be querying – that’s actually done in the query itself. In each query, you’ll need to specify the FQDN (Fully-qualified domain name) of the domain (or OU) of the domain you’re querying. For example, we’d get all users from a domain by issuing the following query (in this example, “ADLinkedServerName” is the linked server we just created, and our domain is “corp.mycompany.local”):

SELECT EmployeeNumber, Name AS FullName, givenName as FirstName, sn as LastName,
L AS Location, samAccountName as ADAccount
FROM OPENQUERY(ADLinkedServerName,'SELECT Name, L, givenName, sn,
EmployeeNumber, EmployeeID,samAccountName,createtimestamp
FROM ''LDAP://OU=Users,DC=corp,DC=mycompany,DC=local''
WHERE objectClass =''user''') ad

This query will search that OU (“Users”, in this case) and everything below it, so changing the FROM to “LDAP://DC=corp,DC=mycompany,DC=local” would fetch the entire directory (for all the “user” objects), regardless of what folder they appeared it – if your directory puts users in another OU (like “Associates”, for example), you should adjust the query accordingly.

For column names, you can pull any AD properties at all that you’re looking for – even custom ones that aren’t part of a standard AD configuration. To get an easy list of AD properties to choose from, I like using ADSIEDIT (part of Microsoft’s Remote Server Administration Tools – download RSAT for Windows 7 or RSAT for Windows 8.1) – just drill down all the way down to an object, like a user, right click on them and select “Properties”, and you can see a list of all the properties on that account. If you’ve got Domain Admin rights, this tool can be used to modify these values too, but for querying, you only need to be a domain user or somebody who has rights to browse AD. Make a note of the names of particular properties that you’re interested in – also note that AD queries are case-sensitive, so you’ll need to note the casing of these properties as well.

One potential gotcha that I’ve run into is that maximum result size that AD will return in a single query can be set as part of domain policy – by default it’s 1000 records at once, and can be configured by setting or adjusting the “PageSize” property on your domain controllers (see Also, there’s a “MaxResultSetSize” property as well that’s set to 256KB by default, but I’ve never hit it – unless you’re pulling every single property back, you’d likely hit the PageSize row limit before you hit the ResultSize byte limit, but remember that both are there. If you do hit the AD result count limit, it will return the rows up to the limit, but then execution stops with a kind of cryptic error:

Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "YOURDOMAIN".

If your domain is larger than the PageSize limit, you’ll need to cut your query into multiple return sets of data so you don’t exceed the limit on any single query. Since our domain contains about 2400 users, we were able to do it in two queries, broken up like this:

SELECT samAccountName
  FROM OPENQUERY(ADLinkedServerName,'SELECT samAccountName
                                       FROM ''LDAP://OU=Users,DC=corp,DC=mycompany,DC=local''
                                      WHERE objectClass =''user''
                                        AND givenName<''L''') as c
SELECT samAccountName
  FROM OPENQUERY(ADLinkedServerName,'SELECT samAccountName
                                       FROM ''LDAP://OU=Users,DC=corp,DC=mycompany,DC=local''
                                      WHERE objectClass =''user''
                                        AND givenName>=''L''') as c

By dividing the names on L, this cut the directory roughly in half – if yours was larger, you could divide it by querying each OU separately, or by looping through letters of the alphabet, or whatever makes sense in your setting. You could even do something dynamic like pull as many records as you can, then grab the value from the last record you pulled and use it as the baseline to pull the next set as far as you can, and then repeat until you run out of records. Linked servers don’t allow you to dynamically assemble your query at run-time – it has to be hard-coded in the query – but there are some ways around that (like building your OPENQUERY as a string and then executing it via sp_executesql, for example).

Now that you have your AD records stored in a temp table, you can identify new/changed records and merge them into a SQL table you already have ready using an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE or MERGE statement, or possibly trigger notifications or some other business process.

I hope this is helpful – if you’d like some more detail, please leave a comment and I’m happy to elaborate where it’s necessary!

Removing expired/unused SSRS subscriptions

SQL Reporting Services doesn’t do a very good job keeping the SQL Agent clean by removing expired or otherwise unusable subscriptions from the job list. To deal with this, we created a script that pulls some details about these old subscriptions, including the report responsible, the last run time and status, and the user who originally scheduled it. If you notice your SQL Agent job list getting excessively long, you can use this query to identify the culprit reports and owners, and then either notify them or remove the old subscriptions manually yourself (run this on the server with your SSRS databases):

  select c.Name as ReportName,
         s.Description as SubscriptionDescription,
         s.LastStatus as LastSubscriptionStatus,
         s.LastRunTime SubscriptionLastRunTime,
            when recurrencetype = 1 then 'One Time'
            when recurrencetype = 2 then 'Hourly'
            when recurrencetype = 4 then 'Daily'
            when recurrencetype = 5 then 'Monthly'
            when recurrencetype = 6 then 'Month Week'
            else 'Other'
         end as RecurranceType,
         u.UserName as SubscriptionSetUpBy,
         s.ModifiedDate as SubscriptionLastModifiedDate
    from [ReportServer].[dbo].[Subscriptions] s
    join [ReportServer].[dbo].[Catalog] c
      on c.ItemID = s.Report_OID
    join [ReportServer].[dbo].[Users] u
      on u.UserID = s.OwnerID
    join [ReportServer].[dbo].[reportschedule] rs
      on c.itemid = rs.reportid
     and s.subscriptionid = rs.subscriptionid
    join [ReportServer].[dbo].[schedule] sch
      on rs.scheduleid = sch.scheduleid
   where s.EventType <> 'RefreshCache'
     and s.LastRunTime < dateadd(m, -3, getdate())
order by

There are a number of similar scripts out there that pull much of this information together, but there wasn’t one that collected all the details we were looking for in one place. From here, you can deal with the subscriptions as you see fit.

Note that you can just remove the old subscriptions by brute force if you’d prefer, and SSRS will clean up the orphaned SQL jobs, but I’ve preferred to review the list and notify users as we’ve never had too much volume to deal with. If you want to just delete them straight away, you can do so here:

DELETE ReportServer.dbo.Subscriptions
WHERE InactiveFlags != 0
	OR LastRunTime < dateadd(m, -3, getdate())

Exporting from SQL Server to CSV with column names

SQL Server can easily export to CSV file, but it exports just the data, without the column names included. In order to export the column names, you need to actually perform two exports – one with the column names, and one with the data – and then combine the two files into a single file. It populates

You could do this using any query you want – native SQL, a linked server, a stored procedure, or anything else – and the results will export the same way once they’re in the temp table. Since it builds the list of column name dynamically as well, you only need to change out the query being executed and set the export location – no other configuration is necessary.

-- Declare the variables
        @DelCMD VARCHAR(4000),
        @HEADERCMD VARCHAR(4000),
        @Combine VARCHAR(4000),
        @Path VARCHAR(4000),
        @COLUMNS VARCHAR(4000)

-- Set values as appropriate
    SET @COLUMNS = ''
    SET @Path = '\\servername\share\outputpath'

-- Set up the external commands and queries we'll use through xp_cmdshell
-- Note that they won't execute until we populate the temp tables they refer to
    SET @CMD = 'bcp "select * from ##OutputTable" queryout "' + @Path + '\Temp_RawData.csv" -S ' + @@SERVERNAME + ' -T -t , -c'
    SET @HEADERCMD = 'bcp "SELECT * from ##cols" queryout "' + @Path + '\Temp_Headers.csv" -S ' + @@SERVERNAME + ' -T -t , -c'
    SET @Combine = 'copy "' + @Path + '\Temp_Headers.csv" + "' + @Path + '\Temp_RawData.csv" "' + @Path + '\MyCombinedFile.csv"'
    SET @DelCMD = 'del "' + @Path + '\Temp_*.csv"'

-- Create and populate our temp table with the query results
  INTO ##OutputTable
  FROM YourSourceTable

-- Generate a list of columns	
   from tempdb..syscolumns c
   join tempdb..sysobjects t
     on =
  where like '##OutputTable%'
  order by colid
-- Run the two export queries - first for the header, then for the data
exec xp_cmdshell @HEADERCMD
exec xp_cmdshell @CMD

-- Combine the two files into a single file
exec xp_cmdshell @Combine

-- Clean up the two temp files we created
exec xp_cmdshell @DelCMD

-- Clean up our temp tables
drop table ##cols
drop table ##OutputTable

If you have any suggestions or run into any issues, please let me know!

Unexpected results in an SSRS report when using Oracle OLEDB driver and OPENQUERY

Here’s a pretty specific situation we ran across recently – a comment in our OPENQUERY text was causing the results of our query to be completely different than expected.

The T-SQL query we’d written in SSMS that fetched data from an Oracle linked server was running in about 30 seconds, but when we put the query directly into an SSRS report, it would never finish. We were stumped, since we were executing the exact same query in both SSMS and SSRS, but SSRS appeared to hang when executing it. We trimmed down our original query (a few CTEs containing OPENQUERY, joined to a handful of local tables) until we found the single CTE that was doing it. Executing that query in SSMS (or executing the OPENQUERY portion directly in PL/SQL Developer) returned results in about two seconds – however, putting that same portion on a report (even using the report wizard and with no special formatting) resulted in a report that never finished running, whether in the report designer or deployed to our SSRS site.

As it turns out, the SSRS engine (it occurred in both the BIDS/SSDT and once the report was deployed) was consolidating the OPENQUERY text to a single line when executing it, rather than respecting the line breaks in our query text. As a result, the “–” that preceded a comment mid-way through the query was actually commenting out the entire rest of the query, a la SQL injection style. This resulted in a completely ignored WHERE clause on the query, and different results – effectively, SSRS was taking this query:

  FROM OPENQUERY(OracleServer,
                 'SELECT *
                    FROM SomeSchema.SomeTable -- Note the comment here
                   WHERE ID = 50')

and executing it like this:

  FROM OPENQUERY(OracleServer,
                 'SELECT * FROM SomeSchema.SomeTable -- Note the comment here WHERE ID = 50')

Since our query wasn’t returning results, but just hanging for 30 minutes before we gave up, we asked our Oracle admin to watch the execution plan after seeing this Stackoverflow question (and the comments on the accepted answer) that suggested that they were seeing SSRS generate a complete different execution plan for the query (by comparing the plan generated when it was executed from both SSMS and SSRS, I’d hoped the difference would be obvious – it was). This didn’t make any sense at all, since the same query should be hitting SQL Server, and so exactly the same OPENQUERY pass-through query hitting Oracle, but the Oracle DBA confirmed that half of our Oracle query was commented out when it came from SSRS. This meant that our 1000 row expected resultset had become a 1.5 billion row dump of the entire table, which would explain why we were seeing the delay on our report!

This didn’t happen in SSMS, and it didn’t happen when previewing the dataset itself in SSRS, but only occurred when previewing the actual report (this is the only case where SSRS submits a modified version of the query to the SQL engine). Removing the comment from the query resolved the issue, as did switching the comment syntax to /* */ from double-dash.

This occurs both in SQL Server Data Tools (based on VS2010) and BIDS 2008 R2, which is what we had handy to test. Also, it appears to only apply to the Oracle OLEDB driver – creating an Oracle linked server via either ODBC, as well a SQL OLEDB linked server, didn’t exhibit the same issue, and the final report results were filtered as expected.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

1. Create a linked server using the Oracle OLEDB driver

2. In SSMS, create a query that accesses the linked server using OPENQUERY with a simple WHERE clause inside

For example, we had something like the following:

  FROM OPENQUERY(OracleServer,
                 'SELECT *
                    FROM SomeSchema.SomeTable
                   WHERE ID = 50')

3. Execute your query and make note of the number of rows it returns

4. Modify your query by adding a short comment at the end of your FROM line – this should not impact the query results at all

  FROM OPENQUERY(OracleServer,
                 'SELECT *
                    FROM SomeSchema.SomeTable -- Note the comment here
                   WHERE ID = 50')

5. Execute your query again – the row count should be unchanged from step 3

6. In BIDS or SSDT, create a new report, either manually or using the wizard, providing your modified query from step 4 as the dataset

7. Once your report is created, view the dataset properties and preview the query results – note that they match the expected row count

To do this, right-click on your dataset in the “Report Data” panel, select “Dataset properties”. When it opens to the Properties window, select “Query designer…” near the bottom, and then click the exclamation point in the toolbar to execute your query and preview the results. You’ll see your filtered result set, as expected. When you’re done, close this window and go back to your report.

8. Preview your report and notice that the WHERE clause is ignored – all rows from your table are displayed

Summary, and take-away

I’m only using the placement of the comment and ignoring the WHERE clause as an example – the comment could be anywhere in the query, and could even result in an query with invalid syntax that refuses to execute at all.

I hope this explanation helps you avoid the two days of troubleshooting we did to get to this point and find the cause! I’m unclear on why the driver behaves this way, or if it’s an SSRS issue specifically (I suspect it is, since it doesn’t occur in SSMS with the exact same query). If anybody can point me to an open Connect item, I’d be happy to vote for it, but until then, I’m making the effort to migrate to using /* */ comment syntax everywhere – not only is it more clear to readers and flexible for in-line comments, it doesn’t break OPENQUERY functionality (and that’s reason enough for me).