Clustering walkthrough for SQL Server 2008 on Windows 2008

I recently stumbled across a great walk-through for clustering SQL Server on newer versions of Windows. It’s really thorough – everything from setting up iSCSI (in this case, to simulate a shared disk when it’s physically attached to one node – not ideal, but lets you test the walk-through), adding the required server roles, preparing the servers, and then a walkthrough of every screen in the SQL installation process. Thanks to the writer of this awesome blog!

Slow SQL Server queries over a linked server from Windows Server 2008

We recently ran into an issue where linked server queries where sometimes taking significantly longer than they should have – queries that executed in under a second on the source server took two minutes when executed from a remote SQL Server over a linked server connection. We assumed it was something to do with our Windows Failover Cluster network connections, but it was happening on non-clustered servers as well.

After some digging, we discovered that it happened when the source server was Windows Server 2008 (or 2008 R2), regardless of what OS the remote linked server was running, and the issue wasn’t tied to any particular version of SQL Server. As it turns out, it related to everybody’s least favorite network setting, TCP Auto-Tuning – disabling it on the affected source servers resolved the problem immediately, and the queries returned instantly again.

To remedy the situation, follow these steps:

  1. On the source SQL Server (the one executing the query, not the linked server), open an elevated command prompt (Right click on CMD.EXE and click “Run as Administrator”)
  2. To disable TCP Auto-tuning, run the following command:
    netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
  3. To disable Windows Scaling Heuristics (another feature that can speed up clients, but is no good for servers), run:
    netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled
  4. This will automatically take effect after Windows has the chance to refresh some network communications – you can either wait about an hour, or, if you’d prefer it take effect immediately, restart the SQL Instance. A reboot isn’t necessary for this setting to take effect.

I’m not sure why these settings are on by default for servers – they seem to speed up internet browsing and other client-type activities (though there’s no shortage of complaints online about them grinding Windows Vista/7 clients to a halt as well), but can cause big problems on servers.

Get process ID for IIS App Pool

Ever try to debug something on a machine with many w3wp.exe worker processes and weren’t sure which one was yours? There’s a command line you can use to tell which is which:

In IIS 6 (Windows XP/2003), type:


It is located in C:\Windows\System32, which is almost always part of the PATH variable, so you can run the command from anywhere (like iisreset).

In IIS 7/7.5 (Windows Vista/7/2008/2008R2):

appcmd list wp

It is in C:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv, which is not in the PATH variable by default, so you can switch to that folder first and run the command.

If you’re running multiple app pools on the server with the same proxy user account, now you can tell which one owns the application you’re trying to debug!

Generate an x509 certificate with an SHA256 signature hash

When authenticating with a vendor using a custom webservice, the vendor requested that we use an x509 certificate with a 2048 byte key and an SHA256 hash (sometimes referred to as SHA2, though SHA2 actually refers to the group of hashes containing SHA256, 384, and 512). Since I’d used IIS to generate our certificate (IIS will only generate a certificate using an SHA1 hash), and it involved quite a bit of research to get a certificate with an SHA256 signature hash on it, I wanted to detail the steps here:

  1. First, download and install OpenSSL from Shining Light. The “Light” version of the package will do, since you’re only using basic functionality.
  2. Generate your Certificate request (CSR), specifying an SHA256 signature hash
    1. openssl req -nodes -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout C:\SomeFolder\PrivateKey.key -out C:\SomeFolder\CertificateRequest.csr
    2. You’ll be prompted for a few certificate fields, including your state, company name, computer name on your certificate, etc. Enter these as they come up.
  3. This will generate two files – PrivateKey.key (which contains the un-encrypted version of your private key – protect this file, as somebody who obtains it along with your signed public key can impersonate you), and CertificateRequest.csr (your certificate signing request, which is not sensative).
  4. Though this isn’t required, if you want to confirm what you’re entered in the CSR, you can view the details using another OpenSSL command line
    1. openssl req -in C:\SomeFolder\CertificateRequest.csr -text -noout
  5. Now that you have your CSR, submit it to whatever signing authority you use – for us, it was Verisign, but there are any number of different CAs out there that can sign it.
  6. Once your CA has signed the CSR, you’ll get back either a binary p7b file (which we’ll called SignedKeyFromCA.p7b) containing your certificate signed public key (and, possibly, the certificate chain your CA used as well), or either a binary or base64 CER file containing just your certificate. Whatever you receive back, you’ll need to convert it to a Base64 CER (called SignedKeyFromCA.cer here), since that’s what OpenSSL expects.
  7. To combine your private key with the signed public key to create a certificate:
    1. openssl pkcs12 -export -in c:\Temp\SignedKeyFromCA.cer -inkey c:\Temp\openssl.key -out SignedKeyPair.p12
    2. Since you’re exporting your private key in this file, you’ll be required to encrypt it with a password, which OpenSSL will prompt you for (twice).
  8. You’ve now got your signed key pair – SignedKeyPair.p12. You can either use this pkcs12 file in your code, or you can import in into your web server (assuming it supports SHA256 hashes). IIS7, for example, supports importing this certificate and using it for SSL, but just doesn’t support generating a SHA2 CSR in the first place.

Enjoy! If you have any issues, please feel free to post a comment and I’ll do my best to answer it!

Expand a disk partition under Windows XP or Server 2003

Vista/Server 2008 include support for expanding hard disk partitions in the Disk Management MMC snap-in, but XP/2003 support it as well (if you’re not afraid of the command line). To expand a partition:

  1. Open a command window
  2. Type “DISKPART” and press Enter to run the partition manager
  3. “LIST DISK” and press enter to show general disk information, including unused space
  4. “LIST VOLUME” to show the volumes. Make note of the volume you’d like to modify
  5. “SELECT VOLUME 0”, where “0” is actually the volume number you’re expanding
  6. “EXTEND” to expand the partition into all available space
  7. “EXIT” to leave DISKPART

There you go – enjoy your newly expanded partition, with no reboot necessary!

WARNING: Messing with your partitions can cause serious problems, including losing the ability to boot Windows or permanently deleting data. Only use this utility to if you know what you’re doing! You’ve been warned!