Matching up SQL CE DLL version numbers

The Abstract:

While developing a Windows Mobile device application on two different computers, I thought I’d installed SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 SP2 on both of them, but ran into some version difference issues. In researching it, I couldn’t find good information about the different versions of the System.Data.SqlCompactCe DLL, so thought some future developers might enjoy what I found out, all in one place.

The Problem:

After checking the project into source control on one computer and fetching it on the other, I’d see a broken reference to System.Data.SqlServerCe:

Missing reference to System.Data.SqlServerCe
Missing reference to System.Data.SqlServerCe

And I received the following message (and about 100 errors – one for every reference to the namespace in my code) when I attempted to compile:

Warning 10
Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly “System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3be235df1c8d2ad3, processorArchitecture=MSIL”. Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.

If I dropped the reference, re-added it on my second computer (BTW – only one version was listed in my .NET reference list on both machines) and checked it back in, then I’d get the same situation on my first computer with the following error message:

Warning 10
Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly “System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3be235df1c8d2ad3, processorArchitecture=MSIL”. Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.

The Research:

I had a DLL version mismatch – a general problem when you’ve got multiple computers you’re developing something on, since you have to ensure the same versions and packages are installed on each. However, searching for details on the different versions of this DLL in the wild wasn’t fruitful – did I have SQL Compact 3.5 RTM installed ( If I’d installed v3.5 SP2, why was it shown as (shouldn’t it be on one machine, but as the other? To top that off, both versions (v3.5.0.0 and v3.5.1.0) were in my GAC as MSIL – what?

It turns out that when you add a reference to this DLL in a Compact Framework project, Visual Studio is using the following version (depending on whether you’re on an x86 or x64 machine):

x86: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\Devices\System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll
x64: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\Devices\System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll

There, I found my issue – that file version was a different version on each machine (3.5.5692.0 on one and 3.5.8080.0 on the other). To find out why, I had to dig into the registry, where I found all kinds of version information about the SQL Server Compact Edition components I’d installed, the DLL version, and the service pack levels:

x86 or x64 components
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\ENU

or if you want to see x86 components installed on your x64 machine:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\ENU

There, you’ll find a combination of “Version” and “ServicePackLevel” entries for every SQL CE component you have installed, and it will shed some light. Here are the version numbers I found (for the various components):

SQL Compact 3.5 RTM
ServicePackLevel: 0
Version: 3.5.5386.0

SQL Compact 3.5 SP1
ServicePackLevel: 1
Version: 3.5.5692.0

SQL Compact 3.5 SP2
ServicePackLevel: 2
Version: 3.5.8080.0

So how did I end up with the SP1 version installed on one machine, but not on the other? Since I’d installed SQL Compact SP2 on both machines, I was baffled. As it turns out, Visual Studio 2008 RTM deploys SQL Compact 3.5 RTM (3.5.5386.0), and applying Visual Studio 2008 SP1 patches that to the SP1 version (3.5.5692.0) – notice the VSToolsVersion/VSToolsServicePackLevel values in the registry location above, which reflect your current service pack level of Visual Studio 2008.

The Solution:

While I’d installed VS 2008 SP1 on both machines, I’d installed the actual SQL Compact 3.5 SP2 for Windows Mobile (EDIT 2016-10-31: This link has been updated to the current location for this download) package on only one machine and not the other – this left the DLL on one machine patched to SP1 (courtesy of Visual Studio) and the other machine with a fully-patched SP2 DLL (courtesy of the actual SP2 Windows Mobile installer).

I confirmed this by running the SP2 for Windows Mobile installer, and it patched my DLL right up to the full SP2 version – problem resolved, and the project now opens up on both workstations with no need for any DLL reference swapping.

The Moral:

Honestly, a bit embarrassing and a pretty amateur move where some vigilance could have saved me quite a bit of aggrivation.


Calculating working hours between two dates

As a follow-up to an earlier post (Return a list of all dates between a start and end date), I need to find the number of working hours between two timestamps – in this case, it was to see how long a support ticket had been open before it was initially assigned, but the user didn’t want non-work hours to count against them.

To do this, I used the previous script to generate a list of dates and hours, and then marked the rows as work time or not (based on day of week and hour of day, evaluated together). The result was a table that would effectively let me do a SUM to find the value I was looking for. Once I had that table, I could join to it for rows between the two datetimes in question and SUM up rows that had “WorkTime” marked:

SELECT tt.TicketNumber,
       SUM(  CONVERT(INT, wh.WorkTime)) as WorkHoursBeforeAssigned
       COUNT(CONVERT(INT, wh.WorkTime)) as TotalHoursBeforeAssigned
  FROM TroubleTickets tt
  JOIN #WorkingHours wh
    ON wh.EvaluateTime BETWEEN tt.TicketCreateTime
                           AND tt.TicketAssignTime
GROUP BY tt.TicketNumber,

In this case, tickets that were created and picked up after hours, without passing any worktime, would show as zero hours old (as they should, since they were interested in working time) – however, I’ve also included COUNT here to show total hours as well as work hours.

Also, this script only counts for raw day-of-week and hour-of-day working time – it ignores holidays and other special circumstances. I have a script that tracks holidays (American ones, at least), and I’ll put that up shortly as well – if you want to take holidays into account, you could incorporate that into your evaluation.

Here’s the script that builds the working time table (you can also download it here):

-- Set things up before we get started
		@WorkTimeEnd		TINYINT,
		@WorkDayOfWeekStart	TINYINT,
		@WorkDayOfWeekEnd	TINYINT

		@EndDate			DATETIME

CREATE TABLE #WorkingHours (
		EvaluateTime	DATETIME,
		IsWorktime		BIT DEFAULT(0)


	SET @WorkTimeStart = 7  --7AM
	SET @WorkTimeEnd   = 16 --4PM hour (4-5PM count as working)
	SET @WorkDayOfWeekStart = 2 --Monday
	SET @WorkDayOfWeekEnd   = 6 --Friday

	SET @StartDate	= '2000-01-01 00:00:00'
	SET @EndDate	= '2020-12-31 23:59:59'


-- Built the list of timestamps we're working with
;WITH numberlist(number)
   AS (SELECT RANK() over(order by c1.object_id,
		 from sys.columns c1
         join sys.columns c2)
INSERT INTO #WorkingHours (EvaluateTime)
SELECT DATEADD(hh, number-1, @StartDate)
  FROM numberlist
 WHERE DATEADD(hh, number-1, @StartDate) <= @EndDate

-- Set the times to worktime if they match criteria
UPDATE #WorkingHours
   SET IsWorktime = CASE WHEN (DATEPART(dw, EvaluateTime)
								BETWEEN @WorkDayOfWeekStart
								AND @WorkDayOfWeekEnd)
							  (DATEPART(hh, EvaluateTime)
							   BETWEEN @WorkTimeStart
							   AND @WorkTimeEnd) THEN 1
						 ELSE 0

-- Retun the results
 SELECT * FROM #WorkingHours
 ORDER BY EvaluateTime

 DROP TABLE #WorkingHours

“Invalid server” error while altering SQL Agent Job step

When updating a SQL Agent job step to run an SSIS package instead of executing an SSAS script, I received the following error when trying to save the Agent Job:

The specified ‘@server’ is invalid (valid values are returned by sp_helpserver).
The specified '@server' is invalid (valid values are returned by sp_helpserver)

I initially thought this error had something to do with my package connections, but it didn’t – it occurred because I had changed the job step from an SSAS script to an SSIS package, rather than creating a new step and removing the old one. This actually seemed to occur when I alter the “SQL Server Analysis Services Command” step to any other type of step – it must leave some portion of the step partially configured, and it throws a validation error when you try to save it.


To work around this error, delete the old “SSAS Command” step, rather than modifying it, and created a new step to run your SSIS package. It will validate without error and let you save the updated package.

Receiving (or stopping!) SQL Server maintenance plan summary emails

When you use the Maintenance Plan wizard in SQL Management Studio to set up a new plan, you have the option to have the SQL Agent send you a plan execution summary email:

It’s a pretty handy email – not just a success/failure on the SQL Agent job, but details about the actual maintenance plan steps and which ones ran and for how long. The problem we ran into was how to actually turn this email off once it was initially enabled in the wizard! It’s not anywhere in the SQL Agent job or in the properties of the maintenance plan, or even anywhere obvious in the maintenance plan designer. It’s hidden in a tiny button on the toolbar in the designer called “Reporting and Logging”:

Clicking there gets you some logging options, including sending a summary email to an operator:

From there, you can change the operator or stop the email summary (or start it, if that’s what you’re looking for).

Making sense of SQL Server 2012 MCP Certification paths

I earned my MCDBA on SQL 2000 and then skipped the certification tests for 2005 and only took one for 2008. Now that I’m thinking about taking some 2012 tests to get my certifications updated, I find myself confused – no matter how many times I check the Microsoft Certification page for SQL Server, I find myself still a bit unclear about how things upgrade from 2008 to 2012, and if it makes sense to squeeze in a few SQL 2008 tests while I still can (they retire on July 31st, 2013).

To help make sense of them, I made a few cheat sheets that I’m hoping will clarify what tests are needed for which certifications (including which ones apply towards multiple certifications, so you get the biggest “bang for your buck”, in a way).

In these charts, the certifications are on the left side and the individual tests are across the top – the boxes marked in the chart correspond to the tests required to earn a particular certification. Also, you can click on each chart to get a slightly larger/clearer version.

SQL 2008 Certifications:
If you want to earn the “MCSA: SQL 2008”, you’d find the certification on the left (it’s the last row) and see which boxes are shaded (exams 70-432 and 70-448).

You may also notice that some of the certifications are colored – that’s to help make sense of the SQL 2012 upgrade paths. Each of the colored certifications can be used as part of an upgrade to a certification in SQL 2012. In the chart below, the left set of “Exams” along the top are certifications – the boxes are colored the same as the above chart, to help make clear which certifications can be upgraded:

Upgrading certifications from SQL 2008 -> SQL 2012
Using this chart, say you want to earn your “MCSA: SQL 2012” (it’s the first row) and you already have your “MCSA: SQL 2008” (it’s the first column – green from the previous chart). To complete your certification, you’ll need to pass exams 70-457 and 70-458.

Finally, here are the same SQL 2012 certifications, but without the upgrades from SQL 2008 – in this chart, it assumes you’re starting from scratch:

SQL 2012 Certifications:
If you want to earn the same “MCSA: SQL 2012” as before, find it on the left (it’s the first line), and then you can see that it requires passing exams 70-461, 70-462, and 70-463.

Hopefully this helps sort things out a bit and make the upgrade paths a little more clear.

More information about Microsoft Certifications for SQL Server:
SQL Server certification – main page
MCSA: SQL Server (covers both SQL 2008 and 2012)
MCSE: Data Platform (new for SQL 2012)
MCSE: Business Intelligence (new for SQL 2012)