Identifying SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition features in use

I recently stumbled across a great system view, sys.dm_db_persisted_sku_features, which identifies any enterprise features in use in the current database, which would prevent you from moving this database to a Standard Edition instance. Unfortunately, it appears in SQL 2008, and I wanted to run this check on a SQL 2005 system.

There are a number of server-level features of SQL 2005 that require Enterprise Edition, but only two database-level features – partitioning and the VarDecimal storage format. Both are easy to check for, so I put together this quick query to do it:

select * from
   (-- VarDecimal Storage Format
    select case
             when max(objectproperty(object_id, N'TableHasVarDecimalStorageFormat')) = 0
               then ''
             else 'VarDecimal Storage'
           end as feature_name
      from sys.objects
    -- Partitioning
    select case
             when max(partition_number) > 1
               then 'Partitioning'
             else ''
      from sys.partitions
) t
where feature_name <> ''

On a SQL 2005 server, this query will serve the same purpose that sys.dm_db_persisted_sku_features does on SQL 2008/2012 servers.