If you have a Pandas dataframe like the following (if you already have a DataFrame based on a query result, you can use that):
import pandas as pd data = [['tom', 10], ['nick', 15], ['juli', 14]] df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Name', 'Age'])
Basic Pandas DataFrame
I wanted a dictionary where I could provide the name (“tom”, “nick”, or “juli”) and receive their age as the result. To convert your DataFrame to a dictionary like this, you’d use the following command:
Now that you have a dictionary, you can do lookups or whatever else you want. Make sure you take note above that the first parameter uses “values” where the second one doesn’t. If you use values in the second parameter, or you just try to use the “.todict()” function on the DataFrame directly, without converting it to a series first as above, you can end up with Dictionaries with an entry for each column, or dictionaries that contain dictionaries, or a number of other things that don’t work.
Short and to the point – this took me about an hour to find the answer to and hopefully you find it before losing that much time!
A script to generate failed report refresh alerts in Power BI Server and can be scheduled with SQL Agent.
Power BI Server has it’s use cases, but it also has some gaps where it falls short of the functionality in the Power BI Service (app.PowerBI.com), but one of the major gaps is that it doesn’t notify anybody when a report refresh fails. Report owners are left either reviewing the reports every time they’re scheduled to ensure the data is refreshed, creating a report that shows refresh status (and hoping it actually refreshes itself), or implementing their own homebrew notification solution.
I opted for #3 – creating a custom notification process – and I want to share it with anybody else that’s wondering how to set up notifications for their own internal Power BI Server instance. If you just want the script, jump to the end for the link and variable instructions.
The process has a few high-level parts:
Query for failed report refreshes. Check the report catalog and refresh history to find reports where the last refresh attempt failed within the monitoring window. If a report has already been refreshed again and succeeded, or is currently being refreshed, I chose not to alert on these – this meant somebody was already on it, and we wanted to see reports that needed attention and were currently failed, not the actual failures themselves.
Create the email notification text. This is a multi-step process that inserts a header, builds a table with details on the reports, and then a footer with instructions and additional details.
Actually send the email. Don’t forget to do this part 🙂 We’ll use DBMail to send it.
SQL Agent job that runs the notification code. This is the recurring schedule that checks for failures. We chose to run it every 5 minutes, so that’s what I have it set up for below (it can be customized as needed for any interval).
CAVEAT BEFORE WE START: We’ll be querying the PBI Report Server database, which could change at any time and is totally unsupported. I’ve never seen any issues caused by it and I’ve never had a table/view change from under code I’ve written to do this, but you’ve been warned. However, we’re only reading – don’t make any changes or write to this database or you could break your PBIRS installation. If you want to learn more about this in general, check out this write-up.
Query for failed report refreshes
We’ll start by all the last successful refreshes for our reports. The process doesn’t actively use this, but it does keep it so that reports that have never been refreshed or where they’ve not been refreshed successfully for X time can be called out in the future:
SELECT [SubscriptionID]
,max([EndTime]) as LastSuccessTime
FROM [YourPBIRSDatabase].[dbo].[SubscriptionHistory]
WHERE Status = 0 -- Success ("Completed Data Refresh")
GROUP BY SubscriptionID
The [SubscriptionHistory] table contains all the records for all scheduled refreshes, regardless of success or failure. In this case, we’re filtering for “Status = 0”, which is success – other numbers are error codes.
To grab a list of all the reports and their refresh status, we’ll use two more tables: [Catalog] (which contains a list of all the reports) and [Subscriptions] (which contains the scheduled refresh jobs). Where [SubscriptionHistory] is the log of all the job executions, [Subscriptions] contains a list of every scheduled refresh that’s set up. One of the nice things about this table is that it also contains details about the current state of the schedule – if the last run was successful or a failure, and details on the last error if there was one.
[Subscriptions] also contains a column called [LastRunTime] with a timestamp when the schedule was last run. What’s handy here is that it’s a timestamp for the last STATUS of the schedule, not the time the last refresh started. Because of that, it will contain the timestamp of the end of execution in case of a failure. Here’s how they link together (the boxes in orange match, or match close enough to show that it’s end time and not start time):
When we join those together, here’s what we get (you’ll start to see some variables here – there script has a large block at the top where you can use customize the script behavior):
select LEFT(c.Path, LEN(c.Path) - LEN(c.Name)) as Path,
@URLRootDataRefresh + Path as DataRefreshURL,
s.Description, s.LastStatus, LastRunTime, ls.LastSuccessTime
into #workingtable
from [dbo].[Subscriptions] s
join dbo.[Catalog] c
on s.Report_OID = c.ItemID
where s.LastStatus not in ('Completed Data Refresh', 'New Scheduled Refresh Plan', 'Refreshing Data')
and c.path not like @IgnorePath
and DATEDIFF(ss, LastRunTime, GETDATE()) < @ThresholdSeconds
The first filter in the WHERE clause filters our reports that are either refreshing now or last refreshed successfully. The second allows you to use a variable to exclude a path (we keep our retired reports in a hidden folder and didn’t want them triggering an alert) – this is optional. The third filter only returns reports that failed within the last X seconds – this should match how often the job runs to check for new failures so that it’s only getting failures since the last execution. A more advanced version could check to see when the SQL Agent job last ran and get failures since then, but that wasn’t needed in our case.
There’s also a column called DataRefreshURL for each report – this will link directly to the “Scheduled Refresh” settings page for the report, and uses the report management page under (yourserver)/reports/manage/catalogitem/listcaching_pbi/(yourreport). This will allow you to go right from the email to the page that lets you view error details and refresh the report again if the error is temporary.
Create the email notification text
Now that we have a temp table (#WorkingTable) that’s holding our failed reports, let’s build an email!
I wanted to line things up neatly in columns, so the first step was figuring out how wide each column should be:
SET @LongestName = (SELECT MAX(LEN(Name)) FROM #workingtable)
SET @LongestPath = (SELECT MAX(LEN(path)) FROM #workingtable)
set @LongestLink = (SELECT MAX(LEN(DataRefreshURL)) FROM #workingtable)
With those lengths set, we can build the headers. For each of the three columns, we’ll include the column title and then enough spaces to justify each column evenly – we’ll use the same formula for the detail lines as we will for the header:
This uses both SPACE and REPLICATE to include a certain number of characters to ensure the final text is evenly column justified. There’s also an @CRLF variable that’s set at the beginning of the script – whenever I’m building multi-line text, I always create this variable as it makes breaking lines apart much, much easier further down and allows you to keep formatting consistent.
The line items are built much the same way, though here’s another handy trick that may be new to you. In the SELECT below, the @Body variable is getting appended by every single row in the resultset – the product of this is a variable that contains one additional line for every report in our table. This is also useful when you want to create a variable that contains everything in a set from a table – not just when building multi-line text, but you can consolidate anything from a list to a variable.
SELECT @Body = @Body + Name + SPACE(@LongestName - LEN(Name) + 2)
+ Path + SPACE(@LongestPath - LEN(Path) + 2)
+ DataRefreshURL
FROM #workingtable
ORDER BY Name, Path
We’re also padding these values based on the “Longest” variables we set earlier – the result is something that looks like this:
At the end, I encourage you to add a line that includes the server that’s sending the email and, if applicable, a link to any documentation – I’ve gotten into a situation before where we were getting an alert every few minutes that was being generated by some T-SQL code somewhere and we had to go through every job on every one of dozens of servers to find it. We eventually resolved the cause, but not before we’d gotten over 1000 emails each about how it was broken! Here’s something simple:
SET @Body = @Body + 'This email was generated by ' + @@SERVERNAME + ' at ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 120)
Actually send the email
This part is simple and uses the sp_send_dbmail system stored procedure. It’s pretty straightforward – everything you need is defined in a variable earlier in the script, so you just need to call the SP:
Since you’ll be running this code from a SQL Agent job, make sure that the account you’re using for SQL Agent (or the proxy account if you’re configured one) has this permission granted. From the Microsoft docs about sp_send_dbmail:
Execute permissions for sp_send_dbmail default to all members of the DatabaseMailUser database role in the msdb database.
If you don’t have those permissions, you’ll get a moderately cryptic error and your mail won’t send.
For the “Steps Tab” from that walk-through, you’ll want to paste the script you’ve set up (once you update all the variables to match your environment). For the “Schedules Tab” step, set the job to run every X seconds, where X is the same number of seconds you set in your variables (the default in the script is 300 seconds, or 5 minutes). The notification/alerts are optional, but you can set those up if you like.
Cool – so what do I need to do?
To use the script, the minimum you need to do is set the variables at the beginning to match your environment and then schedule the agent job. Here’s the default variable block from the script:
Here’s what these are used for and when you should make changes:
@ThresholdSeconds. This is how far back you want to check for report failures. This setting should match how often you run the SQL Agent job – if they values don’t match, then you run the risk of missing some failed reports.
@ToAddresses. A list of people you want to email that should probably do somethign about this, separated by semi-colons.
@CopyAddresses. Like To, but more of a heads up – leave this NULL if not applicable.
@Blind_Copy_Recipients. We include this so we can send an email to our team’s slack channel using email integration, but we don’t want this email address to get out to anybody that gets copied. Normally NULL, but some may have a special need like this.
@URLRootDataRefresh. This should be the root of your Power BI Server address, including the “/reports” at the end. If you visit this URL, you should be redirected to the root of your reporting site to browse reports. This URL is appended with the location of the subscription settings so you can browse directly to the details of a failure.
@IgnorePath. We had a folder where we store offline reports – failures here should be ignored. If you have multiple folders like this, you can modify this variable to add them or you can modify the query in the script to exclude these folders explicitly.
@DBMailProfile. The name of the profile for sending mail. If you haven’t set up DB Mail, refer to the documentation to get this set up and name your profile. Here another good walk-through.
@Subject. Make this sufficiently scary so that recipients pay attention!
@SendMail. This is set up so you can test, and it’s defaulted to 0 (meaning the script will print your mail body rather than sending it). Once you’re happy with your settings, change this to 1 so the mail actually gets sent.
Feel free to add a comment below – I’ll update this code as people make suggestions or it improves through my own experience using it, and I hope it helps some others who miss this functionality in Power BI Server. Share below if you end up using it – I’d love to hear about it!
In changing our reports to point from an older database server to a newer one, we needed a way to tell which reports we’d migrated so far and which ones still had data connections to the old server. Keeping a list of reports would be the easiest way to do this, but why do that when you can write a query to track it for you!
I came across this post that provides the outline of what I was looking for:
It provided the following M-code, which uses the Power BI API to fetch a list of all reports on the server and all the datasource details (it doesn’t fetch the contents of the actual M-code behind the data sources – that would be pretty amazing). Nonetheless, pretty neat on its own (you need to replace “<YOUR URL>” in a couple of spots):
This was a good framework, but I wanted to add a few things and combine multiple different servers together (My example shows a dev, qa, and prod server being combined, but they could be any number of servers or even both Power BI Server and SSRS if you wanted):
The M-code shown earlier became the highlighted item above – I converted it to a function (“PBI Data Sources” at the top of the “PBI Data Sources Function” group) that accepted both a “Server URL” (replacing the “<YOUR URL>” portion in the initial query) and a “Server Zone” allowing you to name the server in the results. Once you have the function, we move up to the last three objects in “Each Server”, which each call the function with different parameters (for each of my server zones), and then combine them into a single dataset (“Combined Data Sources”). Finally, the results are split into a list of Reports and a list of Data Sources that you can pull into your Power BI model.
Once of the issues I ran into was that I didn’t have access to all the reports on my server – those broke my dataset with the following message:
DataSource.Error: ODate Request failed: The remote server returned an error (500) Internal Server Error
Interestingly, it wasn’t a “Permission Denied” error, but a 500 server error. I got around it by adding some code to drop any rows where I received an error by using the “try otherwise” error handing in M, something I’d never used before:
= Table.SelectRows(#"Sorted Rows", each ((try [DataSources]{0}[Id] otherwise null) <> null))
This code checks to see if it can view the very first value within the “DataSources” field, and if it can’t, it returns null and then the row gets filtered. This isn’t the most elegant way to do this – it drops any reports I don’t have access too, rather than calling them out, but it got the job done and allowed my dataset to move forward without errors.
Once the data is in the model, you can use some simple visualizations to see what types of connections you have, where you’re connecting, and what user those connections are set up to use (so you can see if every one of your connections is using the correct proxy users).
I hope this helps you get a handle on all the data sources you’re using, and make sure that everything is using the correct settings. I’ve included the empty PBIT file at the end of this post for anybody that wants to connect to their data and see what it looks like (when you open the file, it prompts you for two variables – you can put whatever you want there, but it’s because I’ve left the source query in the file).
If you do end up using this to create something, please let me know what as I’d love to see it in action!
After replacing an expired SSL certificate on Power BI Server, we were no longer able to browse the site – we received an error that “The report server isn’t configured properly… The report server Web Portal URLs and Web Service URLs don’t match”:
We hadn’t changed the Power BI Server settings aside from updating the certificate, but now couldn’t load the site without getting this error message.
We were able to resolve it by manually updating both URLs (Web Service and Web Portal) in Report Server Configuration Manager to the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) – normally, the HTTP version of the URL is set to “All Assigned” (and shows the server name) and the HTTPS version shows the name on the certificate (in our case, both the old and new certificate had the FQDN). This is how it looked on the other servers that worked:
No obvious errors, but manually changing the HTTP URL for both Service and Portal to FQDN fixed the Power BI Server site – things started to work again instantly. This bothered me, though – none of the other servers needed this setting changed, and they were all perfectly fine with the server short name in the HTTP URL.
The issue ended up being Internet Information Services installed on the same server – even though the primary site was disabled, it was bound to port 80 on all IPs without a host name, so it was claiming the “HTTP://+:80” that Power BI Server was also trying to bind. Because this bind was failing, Power BI couldn’t register matching URLs and gave us the error.
To resolve it, we added a phony hostname to the Default Web Site in IIS (even though it was stopped and shouldn’t have caused an issue) so that that it didn’t claim everything at Port 80:
Once this was done, we set the Power BI configuration back to “All Assigned” and it re-registered its own URLs, and then things started working perfectly again. I’m not sure if IIS was installed by our server admins during our certificate update, or if some other configuration change caused IIS to change how it registered the URL, but this resolved this issue.
About six months ago, I submitted a connect request for SQL Server (my first one) to suggest an improvement to the SSRS interface – a customizable canvas that’s displayed before an SSRS report renders, while parameters are being entered. My issue was that there was information I wanted report users to have (like expected wait time, suggestions for the parameters, the report title and a short description that might help them, etc.) and there was no way to get it to them.
With a giant empty screen staring at them, it seemed like a great place to add that information:
The suggestion:
Ideally, while the user is considering parameters, I’d love to see something like this (ignoring that it’s not a super-photogenic report):
This would be a great place for details about the report that help the user before (or while) they run it, like:
The name of the report (not always clearly visible in the URL or browser title bar, especially when you’re Sharepoint-integrated. Especially helpful if they’ve left multiple report tabs open or if report generation fails, they’re often left with a white screen and no easy way to tell the tabs apart.
A short description of the report, including when you’d use it or any notable caveats.
An estimated runtime – this isn’t always possible exactly as parameters vary, but even a general estimate (or better yet, an average or a 95% confidence range, pulled from the report server database) would be better than the complete blank they get today.
Suggestions/restrictions on the parameters – If a report can’t be run for all offices at once, you can say so here. If running it for everybody at once means you can’t export to Excel because it’s too large, let the user know.
A mock-up/screenshot of the report – so they user can see if it’s the one they want. They may be looking for a report with a specific chart, and waiting for 3 minutes for each one to render may not be ideal.
A link to any other documentation/resources, or related reports, or pretty much anything else.
It wouldn’t need to be anything fancy – I’d even settle for text you can format, or some kind of additional panel on the report that you can design, but isn’t rendered with the report itself. Access to data (to pull estimated on execution times or dynamic owner/description details, for example) would be nice, but not required – I’d rather have a design-only, no-data canvas than nothing at all.
If you like the idea, please vote for it – if you don’t, please comment and let me know why not (I’m always open to understanding the opposition). There are a ton of great Connect items out there and this is only one, but I think it would help out (especially for our longer-running reports).
I’ve attached the two images (current/proposed) to my connect item three different times and they’re still not showing up there – if anybody knows how to get those images published, people can see what I’m talking about when I describe my suggestion! : )